COIHS student prize essay
As part of our commitment to encouraging research, the Church of Ireland Historical Society awards a prize to the best postgraduate essay relating to the history of the Church of Ireland. Yet again, the Society received high quality papers.
This year the COIHS Postgraduate Prize was awarded to Mr Ciarán McCabe. Ciarán is preparing his doctoral thesis in the department of history at NUI Maynooth. His paper was entitled: ‘Suppressing street begging in pre-Famine Ireland: the case of the Church of Ireland parish vestry.’
Runner-up prizes were also awarded to Sarah Hunter (Trinity College, Dublin) for her paper entitled: ‘For God and Empire: the imperial identity of the Church of Ireland mission in British Bengal’, and Jamie Blake-Knox (Trinity College, Dublin) who submitted a paper entitled: ‘The most impudent falsehood in history’.
Postgraduate students of any discipline are welcome to submit papers when details of the next student prize essay are announced. For further enquiries, please contact the honorary secretary.

Photo courtesy of Ian Maginess